Welcome to Directorate of Government Examinations
Directorate of Government Examinations is an independent department functioning
under ministry of secondary education, Government of Andhra Pradesh. The department
is responsible for conducting the SSC/OSSC Public Examinations and a number of minor
examinations as given below.
Major Examinations
DGE’s office conducts SSC/OSSC examinations twice in a year. This is the major examination
with a registration of 6.52 lakh candidates for Annual (March -2015) examinations
and 0.75 lakh candidates for Advanced Supplementary Examinations(May / June -2015)
In addition to major SSC Examinations, other Minor Examinations conducted by this
office are
- 2nd year D. Ed Public Examinations
- Head Masters Accounts Test
- National Talent Search Examinations
- Technical TTC Examination
- LPT Exams (Telugu, Urdu, Hindi)